How Acupuncture Helps the Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s security system. It is the job of the immune system to deter foreign invaders like bacteria, parasites and other microbe causing infections. Disorders of the immune system range from common conditions such as mild seasonal allergies to more serious illnesses like leukemia. Stress, lack of sleep, and other common lifestyle and environmental conditions can contribute to a weakened immune system, which can make you vulnerable to infections.

How Acupuncture Helps 

Good news! Acupuncture therapy can treat a wide range of health conditions, including immune system deficiency. This is done by stimulating and balancing the immune system. Acupuncture can strengthen a weakened immune system by increasing red and white cell counts, T-cell count and enhancing humoral (organ) and cellular immunity. Acupuncture can regulate immune function and treat the underlying cause of the disease by reducing symptoms, speeding up the healing of infection and normalizing the body’s immune response. 

There are several acupuncture points, and specific techniques, that bolster your immune response, along with alleviating stress and anxiety. Your body becomes stronger and your mind relaxes! 

Specific acupuncture points are selected based on the analysis of health history, pulse palpitation, and tongue review. Many of the points are known to help improve the general immunity of the body as well as help to reduce excesses in the body. Excess conditions are seen as dampness, heat (inflammation), and phlegm, for example. In addition, points may also be selected to tonify (improve function) of specific organs and/or organ systems.

So, you and your loved ones are invited to come in for an immunity-enhancing, mind-relaxing tune up! 

You have nothing to lose, and so much to win! 

Schedule an appointment at 810-512-2957.

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