Acupuncture and Natural Therapies for Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits. It is estimated that approximately at least 15% of chronic pain sufferers are dealing with chronic neck pain. Acupuncture is one of the most widely used treatment options for neck pain, as it has a proven history of effectively treating this condition.  

Almost 60% of Americans confess they might not talk to a medical professional if they were suffering from chronic pain. And more than one-third of Americans would refuse to take doctor-recommended pain medications because they fear becoming addicted. This is where acupuncture can make a difference.

In Acupuncture theory, pain is said to be caused by the stagnation of either Qi (energy or life force) or blood in the body. When energy gets stuck, pain results. Pain that is due to Qi stagnation tends to be rather mild or achey in nature, whereas pain due to blood stagnation is more severe, sharp, fixed, or stabbing. Acupuncture is often effective in either case, as it has the unique ability to regulate the circulation of Qi and restore blood flow through painful areas. 

Acupuncture works by regulating the flow of Qi in meridians, which can be seen as networks that distribute Qi through the body. The meridians correspond to the major organs of the body. The bladder meridian runs along the nape of the neck and is, therefore, primarily implicated in the treatment of neck pain. The energetic of the bladder meridian relate to fear, anxiety, ambition, will power, and urgency. Therefore, many people with neck pain also have deeper layers of fear that need to be released, either from whiplash as occurs in a car accident, or in relating to the daily life circumstances of work, money, and survival. The Qi tends to get stuck around the point Bladder 10 at the nape of the neck, which is a central point for clearing fear and anxiety.  

Acupuncture should be a relaxing, gentle treatment approach, even if the painful area is being stimulated. There are occasions where the neck won’t be touched at all, as the treatment will be more effective by stimulating distant points from the area that correspond to the imbalanced meridian. 

While acupuncture is an excellent treatment option for all kinds of neck pain, Chinese herbs are used frequently as well. A formula called Juan Bi Tang is frequently prescribed for patients with neck pain.

Regular yoga practice is also of great benefit for most kinds of chronic neck pain. The following poses all have a direct action on creating space between the cervical discs and relieving muscle tension through the upper back into the occipital region (at the base of the skull):
-standing forward bend
-downward facing dog
-shoulder stand

Meditation and deep breathing exercises can also be helpful, as most people with chronic neck and upper back pain tend to breathe quite superficially. Training yourself to breathe more deeply oxygenates the muscle tissue and provides an internal massage for the deepest layers of your musculature. 

Most patients find that they feel much better after each treatment, not only in relation to the neck pain, but in their overall sense of health and well being.

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